Yesterday we went shopping. It was some fun and serious shopping. We scored some new amazing items for our photo shoots and now it's contest time for you! We will have a different casting call every week so we can try out all of our new things! Last week we scored this vintage chair...and it's only the beginning!
Here is all the info you will need to know to get photos of you little cutie!
This weeks casting call is for little girls! We need your babies, there are only two requirements. One, they must be able to sit up on their own and two they need to be 18 months or younger. Think you qualify or have a friend who does? Then keep reading, here's what to do!
1. Upload your photo to our fan photo section on facebook. Not a fan yet? No problem, just click
here. ANY old photo will do, just so we have something for people to vote on. Only one photo per child.
2. Send your friends over to vote for your photo. They must like our page and put a comment under your photo, not on the wall. Everyone can vote ONCE per day, voting will last one week.
3. Whoever has the most votes will win! What will you win? You get a mini session with us for free! We will be trying out all our new goodies! You will also get a CD with 5-10 edited high resolution photos and your cutie will be featured on our facebook page and website!
SO...what are you waiting for? Head on over and get your pictures posted! I'm not exaggerating when I say our new items are FABULOUS!!!!